Jackie Casper

My Skills

Front End

Back End

Graphic / 3D Software

My Projects

Plix is a location based social media application for sharing images and experiences. This project was built using Node.js in conjuncture with a few Google APIs

Node packages: aws-sdk, bcrypt, body-parser, busboy-body-parser, dotenv, express, express-session, flash, morgan, mustache-express, node-fetch, passport, passport-local, pg-promise, sharp

APIs: Google Maps Geolocation API, Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Places API Web Service, Google Static Maps API

Back End Socket

Back End Socket is a online multi-player card game based off of the game A$$hole. It was built using a Rails backend and a React / Redux front end. It utilizes Action Cable to give live updates to players as each turn is played. Players can also talk to each other in their game's chat room.

Mine Flood

Mine Flood is a two-part game based on Minesweeper and Color Flood. Its multi-level system allows players to save their progress and see their best times.

Neon Fox

The client for NFC required a site to display key information about his company. It was also important that he could easily change or update the site himself.

Using WordPress, I worked with a designer to create a theme from scratch that was tailored to his needs. I incorporated custom controls for WordPress's customizer so he could alter any aspect of the site and view the results before committing them.

About Me

I am a fast learner, and always eager for new knowledge. I am passionate and enthusiastic about programming and take every chance I get to expand my abilities. Every challenge I face is an opportunity to learn a solution. I approach my work with care, and take pride in making sure each project I build is perfectly executed.

With a background in design, I have always been inspired by innovation and creativity. After becoming an active member of a video game community, I directed my creativity towards crafting modifications for a multi-player game called "Rust". I was able to self teach myself enough to build scripts that became helpful tools to assist server admins and improve game-play. Throughout this process I found that I had a love and an affinity for development. After a period of learning on my own, I took a course at General Assembly to further build on my talents.

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